Page on Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday(1915-1959)


I have written about Billie Holiday in various articles. They are dispersed throughout the voluminous contents of this web site, so I though that it would be more considerate to you who are visiting this site and collected the links into one page.

1. ジャズ歌手が育つのが1930年代
   Jazz Vocalists in 1930's
2. みんなが好きなAll of Me
   Everybody knows All Of Me
3. 女性ジャズ歌手で誰が一番えら〜いか?
4. 豚箱にぶち込まれたサラとサリナ
   Sarah and Salena in Jail
5. ビリー・ホリデーを偲ばせる
   Billie Holiday revived