Who I Saw Today (Elisse Boyd/Murray Grand) (日本語訳:東エミ)
so late getting home from the office
ずいぶんと仕事遅かったわね Did
you miss your train?
電車に乗り遅れでもしたの? Were you caught in
the rain?
それとも雨にでも降られた? No,
don't bother to explain
ま、いいわ、わざわざ説明しなくても Can
I fix you a quick martini?
軽くマティーニでも作りましょうか? As a matter of fact, I'll have one with
実はね、私、今夜はあなたと飲みたい気分なのよ For
to tell you the truth
あなたに話したいことがあって I've
had quite a day too...
Guess who I saw today, my dear
ね、あなた、今日私、誰を見かけたと思う? I went in town to shop around for something
目新しい物を探しに街に出かけたのね And thought I'd stop and have a bite when
I was through
買い物を終え、ちょっと休憩して何か食べようと思って I looked around for some place near
どこか近くにお店ないかしらって探したの And it occurred to me where I have parked
the car
そうしたら、ちょうど車を止め所に There was a most attractive French cafe
and bar
とっても洒落たフレンチカフェ&バーがあったのよ It really wasn't very far
The waiter showed me to a dark, secluded
ウェイターが奥の静かな角の席に案内してくれたんだけれど And when my eyes became accustomed to the
店の照明の暗さに目が慣れた頃 I saw two people at the bar who were so
much in love
カウンターでいちゃつく二人が目に入ったの That even I could stop it clear across the
遠くからでも二人が愛し合う仲なのは はっきりと分かったわ
Guess who I saw today, my dear
ね、あなた、今日私、誰を見かけたと思う? I've never been so shocked before
こんなショックを受けたことなんて今までになかったわ I headed blindly for the door
一目散に私は店を出たわよ They didn't see me passing through
通り過ぎる私に、その二人は気付きもしなかったけれど Guess who I saw today
ね、今日私、誰を見かけたと思う? I saw
私が見かけたっていうのは YOU!!