Jazz and History

Invention of Hammond Organ
 Japanese Version

Hammond Organ new B-3

Hammond Organ was invented by Laurens Hammond(1895-1973) in 1934. Hammond Organ was originally sold to charches as a lower-cost alternative to the wind-driven pipe organ in the 60's.

The Hammond B-3 organ is most well-known, B-3 became a standard keyboard instrument for jazz, blues, rock music, church and gospel music. But the last electromechanical Hammond organ came off the assembly line in the mid-1970s.

But Suzuki Insturuments Company in Japan started to produce Model B-3 in 2002. Organist, Koji Ihara bought new B-3 and he used to play in his Jazz Restaurant, Babytalk until 2007.

Our house warming party was planned on a Saturday and Sanday of April in 2010. And Mr. and Mrs. Ihara came on Saturday evening. He played piano at the party's end.

On the next day, another group came. The Koji Ihara appeared again and said,

"I'm a delivered piano!".

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