Daryl Sherman 2014

Daryl Sherman(1949- )

2014年も3月初めに来日しました。5月末まで代官山タブローズラウンジで月-土(8:30−Midnight)可愛い声で弾き語りを聞かせてくれます。 ⇒ 予約:03-5489-2202


She again came back to Tokyo beginning of March in 2014. On Mondays through Saturdays(20:30-midnight), she plays piano and sings with pretty voice at Daikanyama Tableaux Lounge until the end of May. phone:03-5489-2202

If you have an account at Facebook, send her your request.(April 9, 2014)She again came back to Tokyo begining of March in 2014. On Mondays through Saturdays(20:30-midnight), she plays piano and sings with pretty voice at Daikanyama Tableaux Lounge until the end of May. phone:03-5489-2202

If you have an account at Facebook, send her your request.(April 9, 2014)

⇒ https://www.facebook.com/MusicianDarylSherman