
If I Knew Then
Rylics and Music: Dick Jurgens and Eddy Howard

この歌は1939年、Dick Jurgens と Eddy Howardによって書かれました。Four Freshmenのロス・バーバーが大好きな歌でした。彼らのコード進行を参考にしてアレンジしました。







If I Knew Then what I know now
If I knew then you'd be him now
I trade the world and it's gold, to have and to hold
The one thing in life I lost.

If I knew then what I know now
We would never have drifted apart
If I had only taken your dreams, and make them part of mine
If I knew then what I know now.


If I had only taken your dreams, and make them part of mine
If I knew then what I know now.